How to Elevate Your CSO's Website

Image of How to Elevate Your CSO's Website

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) need an effective web presence to grow. The Forbes Nonprofit Council suggests CSOs include the following features (which we’ve condensed here) to make their websites stand out and appeal to supporters:

1. Accessibility of your site resources within three clicks, and a mobile-friendly design

2. Community invitations for involvement via donating, volunteering or fundraising

3. Logical and simple navigation with information broken down by viewer type, and a straightforward user experience and effective marquee

4. Explanation of benefits—as in where the supporter’s contribution goes and what they receive

5. A Chat feature that’s monitored and provides quick responses with a list of times for chat

6. Calls to action that clearly communicate your ‘big why' and your impact, and how users can contribute

7. Interactive space where a manager can share news and events, exchange ideas with stakeholders and find podcasts with current material

8. An outlet for new volunteers or members to follow a direct path for involvement

9. Connected giving platforms so donating isn’t transactional but links to your mission

10. Social media links with real-time posts that keep users updated

11. Events calendar with easy registration and payment, linked to users’ calendars and reminders

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