Eight Trends Making Brazilian Philanthropy and Social Investment More Strategic, Transformative

Image of Eight Trends Making Brazilian Philanthropy and Social Investment More Strategic, Transformative

According to the Institute for Development of Social Investment's Perspectives for Brazilian Philanthropy 2023, there are eight trends helping Brazilian philanthropists and social investors to act strategically, effectively and with agility. One of these trends is that CSOs are gaining relevance, and the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer Country Report found that Brazilians' trust in CSOs rose to 60%. Two other trends affecting CSOs are its succession plans, and the involvement of donors in CSO causes and councils and—conversely—of CSOs in company efforts to improve social performance. The full list of trends are as follows:

1. Dialogue, bridge building and collaboration are powerful necessities to create solutions
2. Companies are considering their legacy, not just “CSR”
3. Diversified models and sources of financing are required to solve challenges
4. Social Impact Assessments are just the beginning (and are still debated); next steps are needed
5. There is more integration of environmental and social agendas
6. CSOs' promotion of public policies is accelerating systemic change
7. CSOs are gaining in relevance, trust, governance and transparency
8. Philanthropies and individuals are making commitments and donation practices public


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