CSO-funder relations

 Catalyst 2030's Call for Shift in Funding Paradigm image

Jul 25, 2024

Catalyst 2030's Call for Shift in Funding Paradigm

Catalyst 2030, a global network of social change innovators who seek to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is asking donors and funders to revamp their traditional grantmaking practices to more effectively support grassroots organizations and sustainable social impact. The network's Open Letter calls on donors and funders to implement the following ten principles, summarized briefly, here.

What Does the Public Want Philanthropy to Fund?  image

Jul 03, 2024

What Does the Public Want Philanthropy to Fund?

In Brunswick’s first global survey of public views on philanthropy, conducted across eight (developed and less developed country) markets, respondents chose health as their biggest priority to be funded—followed by education, disaster relief, climate change and economic growth—though the report found that philanthropists’ contributions are seen as less effective than that of CSOs.

Brazil Revamps Policies on Partnerships with Civil Society Organizations  image

Apr 03, 2024

Brazil Revamps Policies on Partnerships with Civil Society Organizations

On March 12, President Silva updated Brazil’s regulation of partnerships with CSOs to improve the management of public resources and to democratize access to partnership policy.

Engaging Foundations that Don’t Accept Unsolicited Proposals image

Sep 10, 2023

Engaging Foundations that Don’t Accept Unsolicited Proposals

It’s frustrating when you’re a CSO trying to raise funds and the foundations you wish to apply to only accept proposals by invitation. But you can still engage. The Philanthropy Roundtable explains how.

Eight Trends Making Brazilian Philanthropy and Social Investment More Strategic, Transformative image

Jul 06, 2023

Eight Trends Making Brazilian Philanthropy and Social Investment More Strategic, Transformative

IDIS’ Perspectives for Brazilian Philanthropy 2023 report highlights eight trends—including the growing level of trust in CSOs—that can make Brazilian philanthropy and social investment more strategic and transformative.

Applying for Corporate Sponsorships: Tips for CSOs  image

Jun 14, 2023

Applying for Corporate Sponsorships: Tips for CSOs

Companies often partner with CSOs as part of their corporate social responsibility. Christopher Massimine at Entrepreneur.com recommends how to apply for sponsorships.