
Participatory Budgeting: A Transparency Innovation Born in Brazil  image

Jul 03, 2024

Participatory Budgeting: A Transparency Innovation Born in Brazil

You may have noticed that participatory budgeting (PB), which allows communities to directly influence how public funds are spent, is in the news again because it’s spreading. Cities, towns, and organizations across the globe use PB to increase transparency and civic engagement. But did you know PB originated in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in 1989?

Making CSO Transparency Friendlier, Easier and Integrated  image

Jul 03, 2024

Making CSO Transparency Friendlier, Easier and Integrated

In this era of rapid technological advancement and digital connectivity, the importance of transparency for CSOs has never been greater. Nonprofits must prioritize transparency to build trust and accountability, and to show their impact.

Brazil Revamps Policies on Partnerships with Civil Society Organizations  image

Apr 03, 2024

Brazil Revamps Policies on Partnerships with Civil Society Organizations

On March 12, President Silva updated Brazil’s regulation of partnerships with CSOs to improve the management of public resources and to democratize access to partnership policy.

“Digitally Mature” Nonprofits More Resilient image

Nov 22, 2023

“Digitally Mature” Nonprofits More Resilient

A survey of 1600 nonprofit leaders in Salesforce’s latest Nonprofit Trends Report shows most think digital transformation is critical but are hindered by budget/resource constraints and competing priorities. A majority are focused on fundraising but almost a third find organizational visibility to be a challenge. We aim to help solve this problem by offering a platform that integrates visibility (effective websites) with transparency (easy-to-use, online compliance module) to make awareness and fundraising easier.

 New Ways to Lead Nonprofits image

Nov 11, 2023

New Ways to Lead Nonprofits

Catalyzed by the pandemic, new models of leadership are (like new ways of philanthropic giving) bringing innovation to the third sector. In the Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy’s 2023 report on philanthropic trends, Mandy Sharp Eizinger and Tory Martin draw on the experience of foundation representatives to describe leadership that makes CSOs more mission-driven and durable.

Engaging Foundations that Don’t Accept Unsolicited Proposals image

Sep 10, 2023

Engaging Foundations that Don’t Accept Unsolicited Proposals

It’s frustrating when you’re a CSO trying to raise funds and the foundations you wish to apply to only accept proposals by invitation. But you can still engage. The Philanthropy Roundtable explains how.